Bill Zolis

Your benefits plan should be a strategic advantage to your business

How Effective Are Your Benefits?

Trend in benefits management is toward carefully planned efficiency and synergy By: Bill Zolis I’m often asked, especially at this time of year, about emerging trends in benefits management, what...

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What is Care Washing?

How to avoid sending all the wrong messages when we try to make things better  By: Bill Zolis I have to admit that I never heard the term “care washing” until quite recently, but when I looked into...

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Stress: The Problem Without the Solution?

Healthcare survey points the way to providing solutions in workplace wellness  By: Bill Zolis We have all experienced stress, we have a pretty good general idea of what stress is, we talk about...

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How to Talk to Your Doctor

A doctor’s ability to provide care depends a lot on the information the patient provides  By: Bill Zolis I’ve read that the first 30 seconds of our conversation with a doctor are the most important,...

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Beyond The Flu Shot

Do we have all our bases covered when it comes to the recommended vaccinations?  By: Bill Zolis We’ve all been talking about vaccines over the last couple of years, particularly because of Covid-19,...

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