Changing times may require all of us to take a long hard look at our drug-and-alcohol policies Employers often feel that they’re between a rock and a hard place when it comes to drugs and alcohol in...
Turner and Porter: Case Study
Turner and Porter had previously bought a Benefits Plan that had a low upfront cost, however then prices rose dramatically in subsequent years. In addition to lack of cost containment, the account handling was impersonal and both the business owners and employees were finding the working relationship difficult.
Penmore was asked to come in and provide a complete review of the program, the competitive framework, and work directly with the company on negotiation with carriers.
CDI Professional Corp. Case Study
The CDI HR team was faced with two completely different plan designs due to an acquisition. This made it difficult to keep track of who is part of what plan and this caused many problems for their payroll department.
CDI has asked Penmore to create one plan design for all divisions and design it around cost containment and future affordability. Penmore was also asked to look into benefit options for the 1000 Independent contractors situated throughout the country.
KGHM International Case Study
KGHM international and DMC Mining Services Inc. were in the process of bringing both benefit plans under one umbrella with common plan designs and blended rates. Both plans were insured with Standard Life which was purchased by Manulife financial.
Penmore had to not only do an analysis of the various plan designs, but also the claims experience and the rates of both groups. A cost analysis was also completed.